Achieving gender equality is one of the main factors for sustainable human development. Issues of gender equality and the empowerment of women were included on the agenda of all the most important UN conferences, including the Millennium Summit, held in 2000 in New York. This event was the most representative meeting of the highest level which was convened to discuss issues of peace and development.
Gender is a set of social and cultural norms and the roles of men and women, which determine their behavior, as well as the social relationships between them.
Gender equality means that women and men are able to have equal access to any resources and benefits regardless of gender when performing their social functions.
Gender statistics is a collection of data about the situation of both genders in the following areas: population, family, health care, education and communication, employment, human rights and politics. It is considered as one of the most significant tools that allow us to take into account the special characteristics of women and men as specific socio-demographic groups in the development of optimal socio-demographic policy, the implementation of the principle of equal rights and equal opportunities for women and men.
The state statistical offices shall ensure the users equal rights for simultaneous access to quality official statistical information, including in the format of machine-readable data and statistical methodology, by placing them on the internet-resource of the state statistical offices and on the Internet-portal of open data of the web-resource of «e-government».
Users have the right to:
1) simultaneous and equal access to official statistical information according to the schedule of dissemination of official statistical information;
2) to use official statistical information for their own purposes with reference to the source.
Conditions for the use of official statistical information
Users without conclusion of the contract with the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency on Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan can use official statistical information (including repeatedly) freely, free of charge, indefinitely and without limitation of the territory of use, including copy, publish, distribute with reference to the source, modify and combine with other information, as well as use for the purpose of creation of program products and applications.

for Gender Equality
and the Empowerment
of Women